Sunday, 29 April 2012

Training Strategies

After performing the SWOT Analysis, the two strategies used to improve confidence and communication skills are Selft Talk and Imagery. I've chosen these two strategies because I personally believe that these strategies will help Player P to improve performance further.

Self Talk
This is when a performer talks to themself trying to reduce nervousness and trying to build confidence to enable themself to perform at the best they could. There are two ways the performers think about themselves; Negative an Positive. 

  • Negative Thinking -  performers should avoid this type of thinking as Negative self talk impacts on performance. Thinking negative about your ability and yourself will reduce confidence level and increase anxiety levels as you have a doubt in yourself casuing you to perform poor.
  • Positive Thinking - this types of thinking is always recommended by psychologicists as it helps improve communication, confidence and reduces anxity which ensures athletes to perform at their best ability.
In Conclusion, performers should avoid negative thinking and convert the negative into positive to be able to improve communication and confidence during performance.


This strategy is more common in visual learners. Imagery is when a performer imagine's theirself performing a practical skill or a sport. There are two ways performers Imagine themselves; Internal and External.

  • Internal Imagery - this is when a performer imagine themselves performing a skills and understanding the feeling of being able to perform a skill better then anyone else.
  • External Imagery - this is when a performer overcomes from imagination and belives their actually performing the sport/ skill.
Imagery can also be negative or positive; if an athlete imagine's themselve negative then they will pevent themselve of performing that certain skill again as they'd fear about what they had imagined. Positive Imagination will boost up athletes confidence and communination within the team as they'd feel comfortable and will link to positive thinking ensuring they' perform at their highest ability.

Overall, I've chosen these two strategies to improve on their weakness of confidence levels and communication skills as the performer needs mental preparation and needs to believe in themself to be able to adapt the environment of a team sports and FIT IN with other performers. I personally believe a mental preparation is more vital than a physical preparation as mentally what you believe will be adapted in physically what you perform. As the perfomer's physical levels are good, the aim of this programme is to improve the psychological  levels as the two weaknesses are based on their mental believe.

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