Monday, 30 April 2012

Week 2 of PST

Week 2 (Imagery)
Length and Venue of Session
Why the Strategy is used?
Benefits for the performer/ Team

Areas of Development for Next Session
As Player P felt very anxious in the last meeting, the psychologist has decided to invite the coach with Player P to discuss and inform about the Imagery strategy in the conference room. During this session, the psychologist acknowledged Player P about Imagery and how this strategy can improve Player P’s performance levels by increasing confidence and communication. The session will roughly last for about an hour and a half.
In this week, Player P was only informed about Imagery as the psychologists didn’t want to confuse the two strategies at once. The reason why imagery has been chosen first was because after last week’s meeting; the psychologist analysed Player P is a visual learner which meant imagining helps her learn quicker. During the session, Player P was asked to design a positive imagery script; performing a skill in Netball keeping in mind the 4 R’s (Relaxation, realism, regularity and reinforcement)
The knowledge of imagery and the imagery script will benefit the performer to use this strategy during their performance to perform well. This will help her to reduce anxiousness and increase confidence and communication within the team to be able to feel comfortable in the environment she likes being in.
As the session was improved from last week’s session, Player P seemed pretty comfortable and happy with the session that took place.

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