Monday, 30 April 2012

Week 1 of PST

Week 1 (Introduction)
Length and Venue of Session
Why the Session has been planned?
Benefits for the performer/ psychologist

Areas of Development for Next Session
In this first week, the psychologist will meet up with Player P at a cafĂ© to discuss what their weaknesses are, whether they knew about these and also understand their family background and reasons behind their high levels of anxiety. During this session, the psychologist will also explain the SWOT analysis and the two strategies they’re going to concentrate on in this programme to improve positive mentality. The session will roughly take about an hour.
The first meeting is vital for both the psychologist and Player P. The session will help the psychologist to analysis Player P’s behaviour and understand the working style of her to plan the programme specific to her individual needs. This session will also help Player P, as they’d analysis the psychologist behaviour and working style which ensures the performer that their working with the right person and will also reduce their anxiety levels as they’d know her.
From this first session, Player P will be acknowledged about their weaknesses (if they didn’t know) and will understand the areas they need to develop on which in this case is confidence and communication. It will benefit the psychologist to plan the programme accurately and specifically meeting the demands of Player P.
As this was the first meeting with Player P, she became very anxious which impacted on her communication. This meant the psychologist wasn’t able to gain all the information required to be able to plan the programme specific to her. To develop this, the psychologist could have brought in the coach which would make her feel more comfortable talking to the psychologist.

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